Saturday, August 29, 2009

Grayson's First Time to The Kiddie Park

So we found out that the swing ride was Grayson's favorite.....I think he might be saying, "Look momma, no hands."

Riding on the carousel with Papa.....funny, Papa doesn't look sick here but in real life he was starting to get a little queezy.

The second time on the airplane ride, it looks like he is enjoying it a little more this time around.

The 2 ticket boat ride, I guess with a smile like that it was way worth it!

His first time on the airplane ride, the blue airplane Papa tried to put him on had a broken seat belt, I am not sure if Grayson is a little ticked off because he had to settle for the purple one or if he is actually scared.

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"Are you guys sure about these rides??????? My seat belt feel awfully loose?"

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