Thursday, December 24, 2009

Kitt Christmas 2009

We were blessed yet again this year for Christmas and had the chance to get the whole family together here at our house. Darlene, Aunt Judi, and Jake were able to join us this year as well. The weather decided to not cooperate and basically we had a blizzard in Oklahoma. It snowed and sleeted so much that noone could back out of the driveway so that meant we had a few overnight be more specific we had 11 people total and 2 dogs. Even though it was crazy and we NEVER played a game, we all had a great Christmas!!! This year Grayson could understand Christmas, Santa Clause, and presents much better. This year Grayson's very first gift was from Papa......drum sticks, go figure! So, after he opened those we had a hard time getting him to open anything else. Merry Christmas 2009!!!!!!

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