Sunday, April 25, 2010

OKC Marathon 2010

Ready for the OKC Marathon Relay
Downtown OKC, the Buffalo were out!
Grayson throwing a HUGE fit.......he was actually really good for the most part, I mean we did have a 2 year old who could not walk by himself (not by his choice) and he just wanted to be independent.
Heeee - hawwwww
So Roger Ledford was in charge of the pasta filled carb dinner the night before the marathon because he is from OKC, we leave the hotel and Kelly asks, "So Rog, where are we having dinner??"....we are thnking probably a little hole in the wall wonderful Italian place or a finer dining restaurant, but Roger's answer was, "Zio's."  Once we got there it was a 2 hour wait......hmmmm, nice "connections" Rog :)
We were at the finish line waiting for everyone but we couldn't find anyone, so we went to the Kid Zone and Grayson got to jump in a HUGE dinasour jumphouse.
After the jumphouse, we played with sidewalk chalk...........see the little ovally circle thing on the right??????  Yeah, Grayson drew that! :)
Here chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken........
Grayson is sitting on a "Penqin"
Strummin the strings of the GIANT guitar in downtown OKC.
Playin the guitar.....
OKC Memorial, remembering those who are truely missed.
OKC Memorial......please take a moment of silence.

In the name of the Father
the Son
and the Holy Spirit


From Here To Beer
Marathon Relay
Time: 4:05:00

Christa Morton
1/2 Marathon

Janelle Sams
1/2 Marathon

Christy Biby
1/2 Marathon

Brian Adler
Full Marathon

Roger Ledford
1/2 Marathon

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